New Footbridge, Lifts Installed at Dumfries Station

New Footbridge, Lifts Installed at Dumfries Station
Work on the new lifts and footbridge will be finished by summer 2024. Photo: Network Rail.

On Saturday 13 April, (and through the night) Network Rail engineers installed lifts and a new footbridge at Dumfries railway station in the south of Scotland. This followed the removal of the old footbridge on 16 December 2023.

The work is part of a £3.6 million investment in the Access for All programme, which aims to improve accessibility at a handful of stations across the country. When the new footbridge and lifts open for public use in summer 2024, passengers will have step-free access to both platforms.

The white and blue footbridge, as seen from above, is lowered by a crane (out of frame) between two sets of stairs.
The new accessible footbridge was designed with elements from the previous footbridge. Photo: Network Rail.
“The successful installation of the new steel structure by crane marks a key milestone in our project to improve accessibility at Dumfries station.

“There is still a lot to do before passengers will be able to use the footbridge and the lifts, but we hope everyone living nearby and using the station is pleased with the progress so far and is looking forward to the benefits that this new accessible footbridge will bring.”

Amanda Naughton, Scheme Project Manager at Network Rail

The footbridge was fabricated by M&S Engineering Ltd in the nearby town of Annan. After a trial build and successful inspection, the structure was installed at Dumfries station with the help of two cranes. There was no disruption to rail services.

Comprised of 2,389 parts, the accessible footbridge weighs 51 tonnes. Its design was inspired by the previous footbridge in place until the end of last year.

In the centre of the aerial image an orange and grey crane is seen lowering the footbridge into place. The buildings of the town can be seen behind the station and crane. In the far distance the hilly landscape can be seen.
500-tonne and 110-tonne cranes were used to lower the structure into place. Photo: Network Rail.

New railway stations tend to be designed with accessibility in mind, but this often cannot be said for older, ageing stations. Dumfries station, for instance, dates back to the 1800s. Providing step-free access is important for increasing accessibility for travellers and brings these stations into the 21st century.

“We would like to thank members of the public for their cooperation and understanding while our work is ongoing."