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How are paid subscriptions renewed?

Paid subscriptions are renewed automatically on a monthly basis, typically on the day you signed up. You will be notified in advance of the payment being processed.

How do I manage my paid subscription?

When signed in, press the 'Account' button in the site navigation. You will then see a menu with options to change your payment details or cancel your subscription. Alternatively, click here to manage your subscription.

Can I subscribe annually?

No — we only offer monthly paid subscriptions.

To The Trains, as a publication, is still relatively new. While we hope to be writing articles for many years to come, in case we have to close up shop, we don't want readers stuck with, say, half a year left on their paid subscription.

How do refunds work?

You can claim a refund for your current billing period at any time during that billing period. For example, if you have a monthly subscription that started or renewed on 1 January, you can claim a refund for that month until 1 February. Claiming a refund will cancel your subscription, but you can resubscribe at a later date if you choose.

Cancelling your subscription will not automatically offer a refund. If you would like your subscription fee to be refunded, please contact us.

Your statutory rights also apply and take precedence.


How often will I receive emails?

We will send you no more than two articles a week.

Inside Track subscribers will also receive the 'This Week on the Railway' newsletter on a Sunday, most weekends of the year.

How do I unsubscribe from emails?

At the bottom of our newsletters is a link to unsubscribe.

Alternatively, sign in and open the account menu — there will be an option to manage your email subscriptions. Choose the newsletters and alerts you would like to opt out of and your preferences will be updated immediately.

Opting out of emails does not cancel your paid subscription, if you have one.

How do I resubscribe to emails?

Sign in and open the account menu — there will be an option to manage your email subscriptions. Choose the newsletters and alerts you would like to opt into and your preferences will be updated immediately.


Can I sign up just to access comments?

Yes — you can opt out of receiving emails while still keeping your account.

Alternatively, sign in and open the account menu — there will be an option to manage your email subscriptions. Choose the newsletters and alerts you would like to opt out of and your preferences will be updated immediately.

How do I request or delete my data?

If you would like to request the data we hold on you, please contact us. We can also delete your account and the associated data. Contact us using the same email you registered with, so we can verify your ownership of the account.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries.

To The Trains operates a privacy policy, which concerns the handling of data for the purpose of delivering our newsletter.

Paid subscriptions are handled via Stripe, a third party payments processor.